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We are a small coffee roastery and collection of cafés based in Nottingham, committed to traceable sourcing and sustainable roasting of the world's best coffees. In all this, we seek to involve you, our customer, in a transparent conversation about the journey of your coffee—from the coffee plant to the coffee you're drinking.
Our approach to coffee is simple. We focus on buying traceable higher quality coffee from individual farmers and washing stations — influenced by flavour more than price. From farm to cup, we seek to preserve the unique flavours and characteristics of individual regions instead of the homogenised, dark-roasted coffee flavour found in most high street brands.
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let's work

As part of our onboarding process, we offer various training programmes such as Barista Hustle Coaching, 1-on-1 sessions, cuppings, group training, on-site training and more.
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We have a range of equipment available for purchase or leasing. Our partner suppliers include Victoria Arduino for espresso machines and Mahlkonig for grinders.
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